Friday, May 31, 2019
Vote No For Quebec To Be Separate From Canada :: essays research papers
Vote No For Quebec To Be Separate From CanadaI urge you as a fellow Canadian to right to vote NO to the upcoming referendumquestion. Canada as a whole has many unique qualities. Our most valuedcharacteristic is our cultural diversity. Our combination of Anglophone andFrancophone regions throughout our country and their energy to work togethersets us apart from the rest of the world. Canada cannot function without Quebecjust as Quebec cannot function without Canada.It has been said by many, that those who live in Quebec to want to single out because of their need and desire to have their own distinct culture andheritage. This is not a valid point because Canadas culture and heritage islargely defined by that of Quebec. Quebec separating from Canada would meanthat Canada as a whole would lose that part of its history. Quebec does notneed to separate from Canada to maintain its culture since Canada has alwaysgreatly encouraged it. right to vote YES to the referendum volition cause businesss in many relationshipsbetween peolpe who live in Quebec and those in the rest of Canada. Some ofthese problems are unemployment and jobs. The residents of Quebec leave alone nolonger be able to work in Canada just as Canadians will no longer be allowed towork in Quebec. This will cause a get in unemployment because many peoplewill be forced to quit thier jobs. The border between Canada and Quebec willimpose even more obstacels. Travel will become stessfull because passportswill be needed and duty taxes will be imposed. International trade will also bea problem since Canada and Quebec will be two separate countries. It would beunlikely for the two countries to do business with each other primarily due tofeelings of resentment and hostility.Another problem that will arise is the fact that some Quebecers are notwilling to separate. There will never be a time when everyone living in Quebecwill want to separate. It therefor causes a problem for those who want to staybecause th ey would be compelled to leave.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Corruption as a Consequence of Colonialism - as portrayed in Achebe’s T
Corruption as a Consequence of Colonialism - as portrayed in Achebes The African TrilogyAll quotations are taken from the 1988 Picador var. of Chinua Achebes The African Trilogy He has put a knife on all the things that held us together and we have fallen apart (Things Fall Apart, 145)The things that held the Igbo nation together were their close bonds of clan kinship, unified allegiance to their gods, and their democratic society. These were the very things that the English set out to attack, to put a knife on. at one time they began this process, Igbo society was never to be the same again. Chinua Achebes The African Trilogy, while an excellent piece of literature in its own right, can also be read as an excellent historical account of this process. This essay concerns the responses of Achebes fictional characters to the very real actions taken by the British in their efforts to alleviate Nigeria, focusing on one aspect of this effort - the policy of creating Warrant Chiefs and the subsequent era of corruption. The instigation of Warrant Chiefs in Nigeria was a matter of demand for the British and a source of bewilderment for the Nigerians. The British could not have governed in any other way - English officials demanded high salaries and frequent leave, and were emotionally and psychologically ill-equipped to deal with this new culture. The colonial budget could only afford a limited number of them. The success of colonization depended to a immense exten...
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